Pristine Water Softeners & Filtration

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Author name: isaac Navias

A family using soft water treated by professionals

The Importance of Professional Water Treatment for Your Health

The essence of life is water. It is used to drink, cook, clean up, and bathe daily. But have you taken the time to consider how significant your water is? The use of a competent treatment for water is vital to ensure that the water you and your family consume is safe and healthy. This blog post will explain why well-qualified water treatment is crucial to your health, its advantages, and how it compares to data from other sources such as Wikipedia, the World Health Organization (WHO), Wikipedia, and Ecologix Systems. Why Professional Water Treatment Matters The Basics of Water Purification Plants Purifying water means eliminating contaminants to make it safe to drink. Filtration, distillation, and chemical treatment are a few alternatives to accomplishing this. Professional water treatment services utilize advanced technology and techniques to ensure drinking water quality. Understanding Waterborne Diseases Waterborne diseases caused by microorganisms are transmitted through contaminated water. Microorganisms may include bacteria, infections, and parasites. Common waterborne infections include the cholera virus, looseness of the bowels, and Giardiasis. Water treatment professionals significantly lower the chance of contracting these diseases by eliminating harmful pathogens from water sources. The Dangers of Water Contamination Tainted water can result from various sources, such as farm overflows, modern waste, and cataclysmic eruptions. Contaminants include microorganisms, heavy metals, and chemical compounds. The risks to health from untreated water are considerable and can cause serious illness or even death. Water treatment professionals reduce the risk of these with the use of strict purification procedures. The Process of Professional Water Treatment Initial Assessment and Testing The initial step in the well-qualified treatment of your water is an in-depth assessment and analysis of the water source. This stage is crucial to determining the exact contaminants in the water and the most effective treatment plan. Advanced Filtration Systems Advanced filters are one of the most common techniques used for well-qualified Water treatment. This could include various stages, such as silt filtering, actuated carbon filtration, and reverse assimilation. Each stage is targeted at different kinds of impurities. They are nearly as clean as possible to ensure the purity of the water will be clean. Sand filters that are fast are typically employed for water treatment facilities to eliminate suspension particles and raise the quality of drinking water. Chemical Treatment It can involve the use for chlorine or ozone as well as bright lights. Water treatment professionals with professional services are knowledgeable about the safe and efficient usage of the above chemicals in order to assure the quality of drinking water. Chlorine dioxide and elemental chloride are two examples of chemical disinfectants employed to eliminate harmful viruses and bacteria. pH Adjustment and Other Chemical Processes pH adjustment of pure water is a crucial element of water treatment. The taste, corrosiveness, and effectiveness of disinfectants used in water are all affected by the pH of the water. Altering the pH within a safe range of treatment facilities warrants that the water is safe to drink. Most methods to adjust pH involve adding chemicals such as lime or soda ash that neutralize basic or acidic water, creating well-balanced, pure water appropriate to drink. Use of Coagulants and Polymers Inorganic metal salt agents for coagulation and organic polymers made of synthetic material are utilized to aid in the rapid mix unit process to get suspended particles out of water. These chemicals result in precipitates of metal hydroxide in the form of crystals that in turn, trap and eliminate contaminants. This process is vital to removing harmful substances or organic compounds from water. Precipitation and Filtration Calcium carbonate precipitate is commonly employed to remove the hardness of water by causing calcium ions to form solid particles that could be removed. The rapid gravity filters, pressure filters, and other soft mixing equipment benefit from eliminating all elements, including organic compounds and inorganic substances. Filter media that is compacted is employed to ensure all the tiniest pollutants are removed. Disinfection and Safety Measures Adding chemicals for disinfection, such as chlorine or ozone, and general-purpose disinfectants is essential to ensure drinking water security. These chemicals eliminate microorganisms that could be harmful to health as well as various bio-contaminants. A professional water treatment assures that the correct dosage of disinfectant is employed to protect against chemical contaminants and ensure that water is safe for human consumption. Regular Maintenance and Monitoring Professional water treatment isn’t finished once the initial treatment has been completed. It could involve regular tests, system checks, and even filter replacements. Monitoring the minimal and maximum concentrations of different substances will ensure the water is safe to drink. standards for safe drinking water standards. Benefits of Professional Water Treatment Improved Health and Well-being Competent water treatment leads to better health. By removing harmful pollutants, you decrease the chance of developing waterborne diseases and other health issues associated with low-quality drinking water. Better Taste and Odor Consuming contaminated water is uncomfortable due to its taste and smell. A professional treatment for water will rise the flavor and aroma of your water and make the water more pleasant to drink. Increased Lifespan of Appliances Water contamination can affect appliances like dishes, clothes washers, and water heaters. Well-qualified water treatment can increase the life span of these appliances by stopping corrosion and buildup. Environmental Benefits If you choose to use competent treating your water in addition, you’re positively affecting the planet. If treated water is utilized, fewer bottles of water are required, which means less plastic gets discarded as well, and less CO2 is created and transported through bottled water. Customized Treatment Solutions One of the distinctive features that distinguishes well-qualified Water treatment is the capability to create customized solutions that are according to the particular needs that the source of water. This means adapting the process of treatment to deal with the specific pollutants present, which ensures the most efficient water purification. The Role of Technology in Water Treatment The advancements in technology have greatly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness in competent treatments for water.

A woman using clean and pure water

The Importance of Water Treatment: Ensuring Quality and Safety

Life depends on water – from providing essential hydration, cleaning, and nourishment of our environment to supporting economic activity – but not all types are created equal. Water quality issues pose unique difficulties to today’s communities, from pollution and infrastructure issues to contamination issues in their water supplies. Water treatment is essential in providing access to clean drinking water that protects individual and public health. It effectively removes contaminants from systems, providing safe drinking water sources that help ward off diseases that could otherwise spread via inhaling polluted air or drinking contaminated water sources. This comprehensive guide examines this aspect while diving deep into methods, technologies, and practices designed to guarantee access to clean drinking water whenever we turn on the taps. Why is Drinking Water Treatment Crucial? Water treatment serves many functions: it eliminates contaminants and chemicals harmful to human consumption while ensuring that water remains suitable for human use. Water can carry pathogens and pollutants without adequate treatment, posing severe health risks. Here’s why prioritizing quality water through effective treatment is non-negotiable: Health Protection: Effective water treatment prevents water-related diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever. The World Health Organization publishes guidelines on drinking water standards that should be achieved, especially for countries without their own legislative or administrative framework for such standards. Environmental Sustainability: Properly treated wastewater helps protect ecosystems, reduce pollution, and conserve water resources. Economic Benefits: Investing in water treatment infrastructure supports economic development by reducing healthcare costs and promoting tourism and recreation. How Water Treatment Plant Works: A Detailed Insight It is essential to comprehend the water treatment process to guarantee the safety of drinking water supplies, which significantly impacts human well-being. The process involves extracting impurities like particles or harmful contaminants from tap water using various techniques and stages focusing on this purpose. Below, we discuss each stage so you can gain in-depth knowledge of this vital step towards producing safe water supplies that benefit society. 1. Coagulation and Flocculation The first step in the water treatment process is both intriguing and vital. It involves two closely related processes: coagulation and flocculation. Addition of Coagulants: Chemicals with a positive charge are added to the water. Aluminum Sulfate (alum) and Ferric Sulfate are among the more frequently used water contamination coagulants; you will ultimately choose one depending on what contaminants exist in the water supply. Neutralization of Charges: These positively charged chemicals neutralize the negative charge of particles like dirt, clay, and organic compounds dissolved in water. Neutralizing particles is essential to prevent them from repelling each other and creating further frictional forces within an ecosystem. Formation of Floc: Once neutralized, the tiny particles bind with the coagulants to form larger particles, known as floc. Slow mixing enhances this process, encouraging the floc to grow in size and making removing it easier in subsequent stages. Coagulation and flocculation are essential for solids separation in the water treatment process. 2. Sedimentation After the floc forms, the water moves to the sedimentation stage, where particles settle physically. Settling of Floc: Due to its larger size and increased weight, the floc settles to the bottom of the water tank or basin. Gravity drives this process, which can be optimized by controlling the flow rate and dimension of the sedimentation tank. Separation of Clear Water: The clear water remains at the top and gradually separates from the settled floc. This more transparent water then moves on to the next filtration stage, leaving behind the bulk of the suspended solids. 3. Filtration When all larger particles have been extracted from the water, filtration filters out finer particulate matter. Types of Filters: The water is passed through various filters, including sand, dual-media, or activated carbon filters. Each type of filter is specially made to eliminate different sizes and types of contaminants from entering. Removal of Impurities: These filters trap and remove even smaller particles such as dust, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and other chemicals. Effective implementation of this step is paramount to improving water quality overall. 4. Disinfection Disinfection is the final stage in water treatment, killing any remaining microorganisms. Chlorination: The most common disinfection method is adding chlorine or chlorine compounds. Chlorine can protect from numerous pathogens while leaving residual effects that prevent recontamination as water travels from its source to consumers through pipes. Alternative Methods: Other methods, such as ultraviolet (UV) light or ozone, may also be used, mainly where the taste and smell associated with chlorine are undesirable. These methods kill bacteria and viruses without leaving residual disinfectant in the water. Chlorine dioxide can be an efficient chemical disinfectant that eradicates microorganisms from drinking water before it is delivered to homes and businesses. Ensuring Continuous Safety After these stages, water quality is monitored continuously before it is deemed safe for distribution. Monitoring involves regular sampling and testing to ensure that all standards for drinking water quality are consistently met. This ongoing vigilance is crucial to maintaining public trust and safety in municipal water supplies. Advanced Water Treatment Technologies As our knowledge and technology advance, so do our methods for maintaining pure and safe water supplies for drinking. Industrial water treatment plays an integral part in optimizing various industrial processes while cutting operating costs; here, we explore some cutting-edge water treatment technologies, mechanisms, applications, and potential advantages currently available today. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Reverse osmosis has quickly become a mainstay in modern water treatment processes in areas with severe shortages, making this form of filtration indispensable to contemporary society. How It Works: Reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane that allows water molecules to pass through while blocking larger molecules and ions, such as salts and other impurities. Applications: It is widely used for desalination (removing salt from seawater) and in drinking water purification to remove contaminants that other filtration technologies cannot. Benefits: RO systems produce water of reliably high quality, removing pollutants such as pesticides, nitrates, sulfates, fluoride, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals. UV Radiation Ultraviolet (UV) radiation provides an environmentally friendly water disinfection method without chemical

The Importance Of Water Testing In Arizona: Ensuring Clean And Healthy Water

The Importance Of Water Testing In Arizona: Ensuring Clean And Healthy Water

Water is an essential element of our daily lives, and having access to clean and healthy water is crucial for our well-being. In many areas in Arizona, the quality of tap water can vary, potentially leading to the presence of contaminants and impurities. At Pristine Water Softeners, we understand the significance of pure and safe water, which is why we offer FREE water testing services to our valued customers. Let us explore the importance of water testing and how our free water testing can help you ensure the quality of your water supply. Why Is Water Testing Important? Water testing plays a vital role in assessing the quality of your water and detecting any potential contaminants or impurities that may be present. Even if your water looks and tastes fine, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is free from harmful substances. Some contaminants, such as heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, or even excess minerals like calcium and magnesium, are invisible to the naked eye but can have detrimental effects on your health and the lifespan of your appliances. The Benefits Of Free Water Testing Identifying potential health risks: Through our free water testing, you can gain valuable insights into the quality of your water supply. Our water experts will analyze your water sample and provide a detailed report on any contaminants or impurities found. This information allows you to take necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of your family. Customized water treatment solutions: Every water source is unique, and the contaminants present can vary. With our free water testing, we can determine the specific issues in your water and recommend the most suitable water treatment solutions. Whether you require a water softener, a water filtration system, or a combination of both, or even a reverse osmosis water softener in Mesa, our experts will guide you toward the right solution for your specific needs. Preserving plumbing and appliances: Hard water, for example, can cause mineral buildup and scaling in your pipes and appliances, reducing their efficiency and lifespan. By identifying the hardness level of your water through our testing, we can recommend and install a water softener that will prevent these issues, saving you money on repairs and replacements in the long run. Peace of mind: Knowing that your water has been thoroughly tested and is free from harmful contaminants provides peace of mind. It allows you to trust that the water you and your family consume is clean, healthy, and safe. Take Advantage Of Our Free Water Testing! At Pristine Water Softeners, we believe in providing exceptional service and ensuring that our customers have access to the highest quality water. Our free water testing service is a testament to our commitment to your well-being. By taking advantage of this service, you can gain valuable insights into the quality of your water and make informed decisions about the necessary water treatment solutions for your home. Water testing is a crucial step in ensuring that you have clean, healthy, and safe water for you and your family. Through our free water testing service, Pristine Water Softeners offers you the opportunity to identify any potential contaminants or impurities in your water supply. With our expert guidance and customized water treatment solutions, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your water is of the highest quality. Contact Pristine Water Softeners today to schedule your free water testing and take a proactive step towards better water quality in your home.


Best Water Softeners In Phoenix Arizona

Do you know what’s in your water? Water is an essential component of our daily lives, but not all water is created equal. Hard water and other contaminants can cause a host of issues, from mineral buildup and unsightly stains to damage to your plumbing and appliances. That’s why it’s important to have access to clean, safe, and high-quality water in your home or business. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, you’re likely looking for a reliable and affordable solution to these problems. While there are many companies that offer water softening and filtration services in Phoenix, Pristine Water Softeners stands out from the crowd.  Pristine Water Softeners is here to provide you with top-of-the-line water softeners and filtration systems designed to remove harmful contaminants and minerals from your water supply, resulting in fresher, cleaner, and better-tasting water. Here are some of the reasons why Pristine Water Softeners is your go-to source for water softening and filtration solutions in Phoenix: Experience And Expertise Pristine Water Softeners has been serving the Valley of the Sun since 1987, with over 30,000 customers, and is the #1 Rated Water Softener & Filtration System Installation Service in Arizona. Our team of water experts has the skills and knowledge necessary to provide you with the best possible water softening and filtration solutions. Our technicians are trained to handle all types of water-related issues, from hard water stains to mineral buildup and everything in between. We use only the highest quality products and state-of-the-art technology to ensure that you get the best possible results. Comprehensive Services We offer a comprehensive range of services to meet your water softening, water filtration, and reverse osmosis needs. Whether you need a new system installed, an existing system repaired, or routine maintenance and cleaning, we have you covered. We also offer FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation quotes to ensure that you get the service and support you need. Free Water Testing At Pristine Water Softeners, we know that every customer deserves access to clean, safe, and high-quality water. That’s why we offer free water testing to help identify any contaminants or issues that may be affecting the quality of your water. Our team of experts will analyze your water sample and provide you with a detailed report of our findings, along with personalized recommendations for the best water softening and filtration solutions for your home or business. Top-Of-The-Line Products We offer a variety of water softeners and filtration systems designed to meet the unique needs of our customers. From traditional water softeners to eco-friendly options, we have a product that is sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Exceptional Customer Service We’re committed to providing our customers with exceptional service and support from start to finish. We pride ourselves on delivering prompt, reliable, and friendly service that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences. We’re always here to answer your questions and help you find the best water softening and filtration solutions for your home or business. While there are other companies that offer water softening and filtration services in Phoenix, Pristine Water Softeners is the best choice for customers who want high-quality products and expert service. Don’t settle for anything less – visit our website today to learn more about our services or schedule a FREE water test. CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SERVICES WE OFFER OR SCHEDULE A FREE WATER TEST TODAY!

Why An RO Water System Is A Great Addition To Any Home

Why An RO Water System Is A Great Addition To Any Home

Are you concerned about the quality of your tap water in Mesa? An RO system or reverse osmosis water softener system may be the answer you are looking for. RO systems use a process of reverse osmosis to filter out impurities in your water, leaving you with clean and safe water to drink. The thing is, although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set some strict standards that public water systems must adhere to, there are still many impurities and minerals that can make their way into your water. Some of these impurities, like aluminum, arsenic, fluoride, and disinfection byproducts (DBPs) have been shown to cause adverse health effects. RO systems in Mesa are designed to remove these impurities from your water, giving you peace of mind that you and your family are drinking clean, safe water. Not only do RO systems provide clean drinking water, but they can also improve the taste of your water and make it safer for cooking. How RO Systems Work RO systems work by using a process of reverse osmosis to filter out impurities in your water. RO systems typically have multiple filters, including a sediment filter to remove large particles, a carbon filter to remove smaller particles and chemicals, and a reverse osmosis membrane. The RO membrane is the key to the intricate filtration process RO systems are known for. The RO membrane is a thin film that allows water molecules to pass through – but traps impurities like minerals, bacteria, and pollutants on the other side. The membrane is typically a final polishing filter to remove any residual impurities that may have made it through the other stages of filtration. Why Choose An RO System In Mesa? There are many reasons to choose an RO system for your Mesa home, as outlined below: Saves You Money If you’re concerned about the quality of your water, you may be buying bottled water to drink – which can get quite expensive in the long run. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that most of the bottled water sold in creatively branded bottles is actually just tap water and may contain the same impurities and pollutants you’re trying to avoid. RO systems provide a cost-effective way to enjoy clean, safe water without spending a fortune on bottled water that may or may not be safe for drinking. Improves The Taste, Appearance, And Odor Of Your Tap Water RO systems not only remove impurities and pollutants from your water, but they can also improve the taste, appearance, and odor of your water. RO systems remove dissolved minerals that cause your water to have an unpleasant taste, appearance, or odor. In addition, RO systems can also remove residual chlorine from your water and further improve the taste and smell of your water. Requires Minimal Maintenance RO systems are designed for easy use and require minimal maintenance. Most RO systems have a filter life of 6 to 12 months, at which point the filters will need to be replaced. Beyond that, RO systems typically only require that you occasionally clean the storage tank (unless you’re using a “tankless” RO system) and check the RO membrane for signs of fouling (buildup of impurities). It Is Good For The Environment Having a continuous flow of fresh, toxin-free water that is safe for drinking discourages the use of plastic beverage bottles, which are often not recycled and end up in landfills. In essence, RO systems are not only good for your health but can also have a direct positive impact on the environment. RO System Mesa VS Water Softener – Which Do I Need? Most people are under the notion that water softeners and RO systems are one and the same. The truth is, they’re two very different treatment systems that often serve different purposes. RO systems remove impurities and contaminants from your water, while water softener systems are more focused on removing hardness minerals like calcium and magnesium. If you’re only concerned about the quality of your drinking water, then an RO system is all you need. However, if you’re also concerned about the damaging effects of hard water, then you’ll need a water softener in addition to your RO system. Pristine Water Softeners Is Your Go-To RO Systems Expert in Mesa As we have established, RO systems are an effective and reliable way to ensure that you and your family are drinking clean, safe water. If you’re looking for a quality RO system installation and maintenance in Mesa, look no further than Pristine Water Softeners. As a top-rated water treatment company in Mesa and the East Valley, we offer a wide range of RO systems to meet the needs of any home or business, and our experienced technicians will help you choose the right water treatment system for your specific needs and budget. In addition to RO systems, we also offer free water testing, water softeners, whole-home filtration services, and more. Visit our website today to learn more about our services or schedule a FREE water test. CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SERVICES WE OFFER OR SCHEDULE A FREE WATER TEST TODAY!


Get Your Mesa Water Filtration System Right With Pristine Water Softeners

There is no substitute for having a clean water supply for cooking, drinking, and cleaning. But like most of Arizona, Mesa has a notorious history of hard water that traces back to its agricultural past. If you reside in Mesa or the surrounding areas, there is a very high likelihood that your water supply is loaded with minerals and impurities. This is where our water softener installation services come in handy. Pristine Water Softeners offers a wide range of water filtration systems designed to remove all impurities from your water, giving you a clean, refreshing supply of healthy water. In addition to providing excellent quality water, we also offer a wide range of customization options to ensure that your filtration system meets your specific needs. Whether you need a simple under-sink water filter or a whole-home filtration system, we can help you find the perfect solution for your home in Mesa. Why Do I Need A Water Filtration System? You’re probably thinking; why do I need a water filtration system if the local authorities already provide treated water? The answer is simple! While the local water authorities do their best to provide residents with a clean water supply, the water travels through miles of open canals and old pipes before getting to your home, and can easily get contaminated with minerals and other harmful impurities such as cysts and illness-causing bacteria along the way.  In addition to posing a health risk for you and your family, anyone who has dealt with hard water knows how frustrating it can be. From requiring extra detergent to wash your clothes and dishes to leaving spots on glassware, hard water can be a major inconvenience. Not to mention the scale build-up it leaves on fixtures and appliances – which leads to inefficiency, shortened lifespan, and increased energy bills and repair costs. And considering water pollution and water-borne contaminants are increasingly on the rise, it’s more important than ever to invest in a quality water filtration system in Mesa. Benefits of A Water Filtration System There are many benefits that come with acquiring a water filtration system for your Mesa home, including: Healthier Drinking Water: One of the main benefits of using a water filtration system is that it improves the quality and taste of your drinking water. It also eliminates harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and cysts, so you can rest easy knowing that your family is safe from water-borne diseases and illnesses. Softer Skin and Hair: Hard water can leave your skin feeling dry and irritated and can cause your hair to become brittle and break easily. But with a home filtration system in place, you can enjoy softer, smooth skin and shinier, healthy hair. Cleaner And Efficient Fixtures and Appliances: Hard water can cause mineral build-up on your fixtures and appliances, such as faucets, shower-heads, dishwashers, and water heaters. Not only does this make them less efficient, but it can also shorten their lifespan, increase energy costs, and lead to costly repairs. And this can all go away with a quality water softener installation by Pristine Water Softeners. Spotless Dishes and Glassware: One of the most frustrating things about hard water is that it leaves spots on dishes and glassware, no matter how much elbow grease you use. With our residential water treatment services, you can finally enjoy spot-free dishes and glassware. Save Money: In addition to the money you’ll save on repairs and replacement costs for your fixtures and appliances, a water filtration system can also help you save on medical bills, energy usage, and detergent costs. Work With a Trusted Mesa Water Treatment Company Are you ready to reap all the benefits of owning a water filtration system in Mesa? Pristine Water Softeners is here to transform your water supply and improve your quality of life.  We carry a wide range of water filtration systems from different brands, including reverse osmosis (RO) systems Mesa, salt-free water conditioners, ion exchange systems, and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems. Our team of Phoenix water softener experts will work with you to find the perfect filtration system for your home and budget and provide you with custom installation services to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment. We’re committed to providing our customers with the same high level of service and integrity that has made Pristine Water Softeners one of the most trusted water treatment companies in Mesa for over 35 years. Visit our website today to learn more about our services or schedule a FREE water test!


Is Drinking Hard Water Good Or Bad For You?

Drinking hard water is very common in the United States. Most of us have been told that is harmful to consume hard water but we don’t always understand why. There are still others who continue to drink hard water without understanding the harmful long-term effects it can have on their health. Here we would like to provide more details on how hard water can affect your overall health, lifestyle, and even your pets! Pristine Water Softeners can also provide AZ water softening treatment to help provide quality water for you, your family, and your pets!  An Introduction To Hard Water Many people have experienced hard water like the white spots on their dishes after being ran in the dishwasher or watching their dark colored clothes become faded after each wash, but what exactly IS hard water? Water is classified as hard water when there is a high amount of magnesium, calcium and iron dissolved in the water. The level of hardness is measured by the number of minerals found in the water, however, this may vary as some water may contain more than others. Due to the high concentration of minerals in the water, hard water can have detrimental effects on your home appliances, making them work harder, which can increase your energy bills. This can also decrease the lifespan of your appliances. Hard water can also negatively impact your home by causing pipes to get clogged and damaged which can lead to lower water pressure as well. The effects of hard water on your health Hard water can not only affect your home and lifestyle, but it can also affect your health. Our bodies naturally need mineral consumption to stay healthy, however, a high amount of mineral consumption can also lead to health problems. For example, hard water can worsen skin conditions such as eczema, due to its high mineral content and the fact that it dries out the skin. Multiple types of research have linked hard water consumption with increased chances of developing respiratory diseases. It was concluded that high concentrations of calcium in water play an important factor in cardiovascular conditions. The National Research Council declares that results at this time are uncertain and advises that further studies are required. How to test your water At Pristine Water Softeners, we can Test Your Water For Free. We are able to test Hardness Levels (GPG) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Hardness Level symptoms include stiff laundry, having to use more soap and needing to use fabric softeners, as well as, mineral deposits on dishes after being washed. When testing water for Total Dissolved Solids, the most common chemical constituents are calcium, phosphates, nitrates, and chloride, which are found in nutrient runoff and general stormwater runoff. More exotic and harmful elements of TDS are pesticides arising from surface runoff, especially from your local farming fields. The best way to deal with hard water Hard Water is easily treatable now with water purification systems, reverse osmosis systems, water softeners, and whole home filtration systems. Technology offers multiple ways and devices that can considerably reduce or completely eliminate minerals from the water in your home. At Pristine Water Softeners, you can consult with one of our technicians to help guide you on the best water softening equipment for your home and for your family.  If you’re unsure if you need water softening equipment, you can start by having your water tested for free to see if installing a water softener is the right choice for you and your family. A water treatment specialist can test your water and provide the best treatment option based on your house set up. For further details on how to have your water tested for FREE, please use the following link:     Follow Pristine Water Softeners On Social Media

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