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Pristine Water Softener Products

Why Filter or Treat Your Water?

All tap water within your home, not otherwise filtered or treated, contains millions of impurities, many that you can see, taste and/or smell, it also can contain others that you cannot. Particulates such as rust and sediment, or very small air bubbles cause your water to appear cloudy, But your tap water can also be contaminated with harmful impurities such as bacteria or cysts (giardia, cryptosporidium), that can cause flu-like illnesses. With the increase of water pollution and water-borne contaminants, the importance of having clean, safe drinking water at home is greater than ever. Water filtration delivers better-tasting, clean, safe water that helps families in many ways

Benefits of filtered/treated water in your home:

Protecting health

Filtering out potentially harmful impurities (bacteria, lead cysts, etc.) can help prevent the spread of water-borne illnesses to your family

Less expensive water

Filtered water is more cost-effective than bottled water and reduces the environmental impact on our landfills.

Foods and beverages taste better

Coffee, tea, and foods prepared with filtered water taste better. Softer skin and hair? Hard water can lead to dry skin and hair. Treating your water can make you look and feel better.

Easier home maintenance

Hard water and other contaminants can leave rust stains, mineral deposits, and film on your fixtures, shower walls, sinks, toilet, etc.

Longer appliance life

Mineral deposits in coffee makers, water heaters, washing machines, and other appliances decrease their effectiveness and shorten appliance life.

Cleaner laundry

If it’s in the water, it’s on your clothes. Filtered/treated water makes whites and colors come out cleaner and brighter.

Schedule Your FREE In-Home Water Analysis and Consultation

Filters can accomplish two goals:

Removal of fluid contaminants

Fluid contaminants can include bacteria, metals, or chemicals in your water
that may affect the water’s taste and smell or its safety for human

Collection of suspended solids

Solid contaminants can include dirt, rust, or minerals in the water, which
may give the water a “cloudy” appearance or leave deposits on fixtures,
surfaces, and appliances.

The type of water treatment system best suited to your water depends on the type
of contaminants you need to remove, your plumbing, your specific concerns
(removal of pesticides vs. metals, for example), and of course cost. Some
water treatment systems get rid of pesticides and industrial cleaners,
while others are most effective at removing heavy metals.

Schedule A Free In-Home
Water Test & Consultation

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